I've decided against posting my lousy flash work "Midnight Flight" for the following reasons
1) The still-life (all 3 of them) that I had made by hand were ruined on flash, so a big chunk of the movie looks pixilated
2) The flash is too short, about 45 seconds.
3) I have no sound or music that goes well with my flash
4) It's my first try, so it doesn't look that great
5) I still don't know how to put on a preloader
6) I need more practice
I will post the still-life works on the Art portal, so Slain-By-The-Bell's victory in the contest will still be visible.
On a side note, I will probably try to make a flash again. I will make all the art on flash, make it either very long or short, and use my witty sense of humor because most people prefer lousy comedies and parodies than well animated serious movies.
On a side note to the side note: Buster reached level 100 on my Platinum today, so I will have a work up commemorating that.
I thought you would care :(