After devoting long hours to making my flash, I have finished the title sequence. It looks pretty good and Slain-By-The-Bell made the backgrounds on Gimp while I did the animation and everything else.
Now all that's left is the actual movie, which is going to be about 7 minutes long (I hope) and in three parts. We have to make the backgrounds, finish the script, translate it into Hikaran (a gibberish language), and record all of the voices. This is going to take forever.
I have also obtained Gimp for my computer, which means my artwork will begin to have nice effects to help complement the effort that I put into it. So after a long break of no art, I might make something.
Em istyra berod. Twil sotunim? Te istyrao lnog! Hikaran istyra nil nacisnesnol! Te istyra on bufituael ejaugnel! Em trybyjyro vrey hrad hycir te pcefret! Er murrer len on ogeuf! (Istyra olobrumiyr). Em nil sybira kai em dicero. OFUEGADEMARA!