Although this post is a little late, I can still celebrate the announcement of Okamiden for DS. Okami is the most artistic video game in existence. I have played it through 3 times. If you don't like Okami, you have no soul :(
So with my new art program GIMP, I was able to make a brushwork picture of an Okami-like character.
Using a Japanese translator, I named him Touzokogami, with gami being the normal suffix for brush gods.
I hope my fellow Okami fans enjoy this picture and if you hate it, tell me why.
On a side note, GIMP has improved the look of my art and Scribblenauts, while fun, got repetitive very quickly
Until my next post, may the card be with you
The capital of the US is scissors never run with Washington.
Medabots, episode 16.